Parallel origins. 2018.
Nachtspeicher23. Hamburg, Germany. In collaboration with Guillaume Brisson-Darveau.
Matériaux : carton, porcelaine, grès, bois, deux vidéos de 2 minutes chaques, tube d’aluminium, Ipod.
Materials: Carton, porcelain, sandstone, wood, two videos of 2 min. each, Ipod.
Materials: Carton, porcelain, sandstone, wood, two videos of 2 min. each, Ipod.
Cette installation fut créée dans le cadre du 10e anniversaire de la Galerie Nachtspeicher 23 à Hambourg. En collaboration avec mon frère jumeau Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, le projet vise à offrir au public une expérience du temps, en particulier de l'idée d'origine, comme fluide et en mouvement plutôt que statique. Pour y parvenir, nous privilégions des processus impliquant des expériences avec les textures, un brouillage entre les hautes et les basses technologies, l’utilisation d’un dispositif vidéo kaléidoscopique et la figure du singe (qui fait référence à l'idée d'imitation dans l'imagerie populaire).
The installation was created in the context of the 10thanniversary of the Gallery Nachtspeicher 23 in Hamburg . Collaborating with my twin brother Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, the installation intends to give to the public an experience of time, in particular the idea of origin, as fluid and in motion rather than static. We make this experience accessible through processes involving experiments with textures, blurring the space between high and low technologies, using kaleidoscopic video display and the figure of the monkey (which is referring to the idea of imitations in popular imagery).
The installation was created in the context of the 10thanniversary of the Gallery Nachtspeicher 23 in Hamburg . Collaborating with my twin brother Guillaume Brisson-Darveau, the installation intends to give to the public an experience of time, in particular the idea of origin, as fluid and in motion rather than static. We make this experience accessible through processes involving experiments with textures, blurring the space between high and low technologies, using kaleidoscopic video display and the figure of the monkey (which is referring to the idea of imitations in popular imagery).